Marching On ..

This morning I woke up with the irresistible urge to just get on my blog and write down the lamest pun ever. So there you go. MARCHing on. hh. While at it and since my S4 account status is “pending review” at the moment I started looking through my S4 screenshot folder and came to realize just how much I love this game. Then, suddenly, I felt the guidance of G himself. He was showing me the way .. this is my true home.

Ladies and gentlemen, your prayers have been answered! (or neglected, if you will): After a two months’ hiatus, the Ardan Frontier is back for more! And what can I say, it’s good to be back!

After the break: Ardan Frontier v2.7, The S4 Rundown, and some news regarding upcoming tournaments & writer recruitment.

As I said, it's good to be back!

As I said, it’s good to be back!

tl;dr Aion under maintenance. Bored. Blog.

Ardan Frontier v2.7: Categories & Ratings

The first thing that had to be done upon returning to the blog was some housekeeping. The categories have been entirely revamped and all entries have been retagged to go along with this. In a nutshell:

  • S4League -> All entries about S4League, written from a neutral perspective.
  • Writer’s Corner -> PoVs and stories from our writers on both S4 and non-S4 related subjects.
  • Ardan Central -> Site updates, writer introductions & S4 Tournaments.

It’s really logical when you think about it.


We have also enabled the option to rate both comments by readers and the entries themselves. If you found an article or comment enjoyable, this is a way to show it.

The S4 Rundown

And boy, what a hectic two months it has been!

It all started with Icke taking over as S4’s new community manager, ending the seemingly neverending reign of terror from Desmo “Iron Fist” nemo. Under our new monarch, an entire new moderator team was called into existence. Never will we forget this part of our history .. it was horrible. The mods pillaged, looted, raped and mocked the community to incredible extents, causing for a massive uproar. During the ensuing battle they quelled the insurgents and peace returned at long last. Unbeknownst to us, something dark was brooding in the shadows as we went on with our daily lives .. and then it happened. On 25th February the Russian S4 Hacking syndicate, responsible for the previous database attack, led another attack against S4’s security systems. Under their new leader, Hack Master Vladislav, they made off with tens of thousands of account names & passwords, and GameOn had no choice but to initiate a massive password reset. As a last ditch attempt, another patch was thrown out two days later, introducing a rotation to keep everyone quiet.

What actually happened:

New CM. New moderators. Samurai patch. Valentine APEvent. Another Samurai patch. Kickvote fix. Password reset. Rotation event. Yeah.


Our next few tournaments are in the planning. Keep an eye on the blog and be among the first to claim your seat in them!

Square: DeathHold will be a simple 16p Square DM where your team will have to beat the others — but beware. There is a limit of 2 healing weapons per team, smash rifles are banned, and the area around each team’s spawning point is a safe zone. You’ll have to beat with without the conventions of a usual pub match.

Mount Daggerest is a Neoniac BR where you dive into the spirit of Jack the Ripper and only have one goal: slice as many as your enemies up with only a Spy Dagger before the time is up!

Siege Reloaded: Defend & Destroy is a 16p PEN-only Siege where the winner is not decided by points but how many Cores your team holds at the end! The team that holds at least 2 Cores at the end of the match wins. Your team will have to make careful moves — just killing enemies and a rush to the point limit may only speed up your loss! Destroy your enemies, but don’t neglect your defenses!

As a bonus, each team will have a “Core Guardian” that will significantly improve the defenses for one of your cores the longer your team possesses it. This player is a full AP player who will add a new bonus every minute: during the first minute he will put a wall, during the second a sentry, and from the fourth minute onwards he will join the fight himself: he will remain at the core and be ready to fend off those who attack it. Mind you that these bonuses are introduced over time: you will need to make sure you protect the concerning core long enough for the Guardian to fully set up his defenses.

Until the next time!

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4 Responses to Marching On ..

  1. Mr wizard says:

    Ah so your life has not been lost during the raids, excellent. I was wondering what happened to you.

    • .ProtoStyle says:

      A healthy combination of real life and Aion. I just felt like I needed a break from S4 (still do), but seeing how the game is kinda boring these days I wanted to at least do my part in making it a bit more enjoyable by picking up the entries again & throwing in a tournament or two.

  2. NiuWang says:

    “Under our new monarch, an entire new moderator team was called into existence. Never will we forget this part of our history .. it was horrible. The mods pillaged, looted, raped and mocked the community to incredible extents, causing for a massive uproar. During the ensuing battle they quelled the insurgents and peace returned at long last”

    I can vouch for this. I was one of the Victims and I was pillaged,attacked, and raped 2 times. First they let me go, but the second time, they kept me away for a Week. Q.Q

    Helena was just so……..stiff]


    Okay, in all seriousness, welcome back AF, been waiting for a while. So far from what I’ve read, this is the most humorous article I’ve seen. Enjoyed it quit a bit and hopefully looking for more information in regards to the Dagger Tournament (Stat Limits?).

    Also, from reading this article I can make the fair deduction that you clearly just wrote whatever bullshit popped into your mind just to get your blog back up. Good stuff Proto. As far as writing goes, if you want more writers or something, I’m game.

  3. Ramen says:

    FUCKIN FINALLY , good to see you back man i really enjoy your topics , and i can’t wait for the new tourneys mhmm ~

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